Wednesday 2 April 2014

SLOG # 10:

   At the beginning of this week, we discussed on why objects such as a list cannot be stored as key values of a dictionary. When {[1, 2]: 1} for instance was to be tested in the python shell, it will return an error saying list is unhashable type. Python dictionaries use objects that are hashable as key values to avoid mutability of a mutable object, so errors will not occur. Hashable object is defined to be an object that never changes and can be compared to other objects. Since mutable objects such as lists do not have the characteristics of a hashable object, then these objects cannot be used as key values for a dictionary.

   On Wednesday, our prof spends a lecture wrapping up the main key concepts we needed to know for the exam. Concepts such as object oriented programming, abstract data type, inheritance, raise exception, try and except exceptions, unittest, recursion, binary tree, linked list, and run time analysis were covered as topics to review for the exam. During the lecture we discussed on each of these topics based on how they were relevant to programming and how they were used in python programming. Also, our prof explained the format of the exam paper as well as what to do and not to do. Up to this point, the course is pretty much finished except for the final exam. Although we had spent large amount of time analyzing algorithms, I still require more practice to fully grasp the concept of analyzing algorithms. Throughout this semester, I gained better understanding on many computing techniques that I am inexperienced at the beginning of this year. With the time left until the final exam, I will review all of the concepts I learned in this course and re-attempt questions appeared on tests and labs to prepare for the exam.

Thursday 27 March 2014

SLOG # 9: Week 11 – Sorting and Efficiency

    When it comes to sorting and efficiency, often the algorithm used as well as the size of elements will determine the efficiency for sorting or searching. Nowadays, various algorithms were designed to facilitate the efficiency when running a program. For instance Timsort was an algorithm implemented into python as a built-in sort. As we have analyzed during the lab this week, Timsort was most efficient sorting algorithm when compared with insertion, bubble, merge, and quick sort. As a hybrid algorithm of merge sort and insertion sort, Timsort does approaches runtime of a merge sort when list of elements need to be sorted becomes large at worst case scenario with performance of O(nlog n). This is same as performance of merge sort.

   In the lab, the data we collected data that shows selection sort and bubble sort seems to have the worst run time efficiency with performance of O(n^2) at worst case, since they have to compare approximately elements n^2 times to sort the list in correct order. 

   Run time efficiency for quick sort depends on how the pivots were chosen each time, where predictable pivot points chosen may results in O(n^2) performance. As shown during the lectures, my prof mentioned choosing random pivots during quick sort can help avoid possible worst run time of O(n^2). Similarly, a sorted list of elements give insertion sort run time of O(n), and reverse sorted elements gives run time of O(n^2). Due to the numbers of comparisons required to sort an element in the correct position in elements that are already sorted, insertion sort have this characteristic. From time to time, the order of the elements to be sorted will affect the run time of an algorithm as demonstrated by quick sort and insertion sort. 

   Often recursive call may call on another recursive call that may have already been evaluated. To avoid redundancy of recursive calls, returned values can be stored such as in a list in a higher level scope, so repeated calls can refer to the stored value rather than making redundant evaluations. For example, the Fibonacci function example we discussed earlier can apply such strategy to reduce the function run time. Similar strategy was used in binary search tree to search for, or inserting a value in the tree. Since left branch only have nodes smaller than current node value, and right branch only have nodes bigger than current node value, binary tree will search exactly like binary search algorithm. This means each step, the amount of element current looking at is halved each time. 

   Sorting depends on the efficiency of the algorithm from time to time. Through my experiences of making both efficient and inefficient codes in the past, I become aware of the fact that efficiency will affect the overall performance of a program, and how data were organized together will affect the efficiency as a result.

Friday 21 March 2014

SLOG # 8: Week 10

   This week, we have been discussing about varieties of sorting algorithms in addition to their runtime efficiency. To start the week, our prof explained assignment 2’s function designs based on the interpretations of the assignment 2 PDF. After spending sometimes going over the assignment, we discussed on how default empty list parameters is a parameter that is mutable.
For example:

def f(n: list=[]):
    n += [1]
return n

   If inside a function, we append integer 1 in the list parameter given, then each time when we call on the function without giving the parameter, the parameter would refer to the default list [] first time and store the integer 1 within the list. The reference is kept with 1 added. The next time when we call on f() again after the first f() call, we would expect the return to be [1, 1], since the function will reference to the list parameter n for the default list. Although this would not affect the returned list for non-default function calls. The reference is kept and accessed during the next f() call just like the sample calls below.

>>> f()
>>> f()
[1, 1]
>>> f([0,2])
[0, 2, 1]
>>> f()
[1, 1, 1]

   This week we focused on studying algorithms such as quick sort, and merge sort as well as their run time. For quick sort, the idea is to choose a pivot point where a list with more than one element can be broken to two lists where the first list consists of elements smaller than the element before the pivot, where the other list consist of elements greater than the pivot if we were to sort the list in ascending order. From the two new sub-lists we created, we perform quick sort on each of the two. Then the first list that is sorted can add the pivot in terms of a list with a single element, and then add the sorted second list. This returned list is the sorted list that we called quick sort on. To maximize the quick sort algorithm, random pivot point should be used instead of a specific pivot so worst case run time can be minimized. 

   For merge sort, the idea is to split the list roughly to two list with length half of the original list if the list given have a length of two or greater. The two sub-lists will then be sorted using merge sort, the two sorted sub-lists will be compared and the corresponding elements will be moved around from first to the second and vice versa. Then the two lists can be added to return a sorted list.
   The lab we had this week was based on the continuation of linked lists and designing helper functions. From the lab handout we were asked to create linked lists using binary tree objects given such as using the tree given to create a linked list that is in-order of the binary tree. What was difficult about this lab was how to find a way to link one linked list at the tail of another linked list. My partner and I were able to create a helper function that helps finding the tail of a linked list and reference the other linked list to the tail. 

   This week have been fairly busy because of the csc165 midterm was on the same day of the due day of assignment 2. But on the bright side, this week’s lectures did make me realize the usefulness of recursion, especially in algorithm designs.

Thursday 13 March 2014

SLOG #7: Week 9

   This week we have learnt about how to create binary search tree, and discussed about run time analysis during the lectures. Since the exercise # 3 was due this week, our prof taught us how to form a TreeList (list that have structure similar to a Binary Tree) when the correct pre-ordered list and in-ordered list was given. Under the condition when no two nodes have the same values, the root can found in the pre-ordered list as the first element, and the left and right-sub TreeList can be found according the pattern of the lists. Pre-order have root as the first element, all left sub-tree value in pre-order after the root, and  all right sub-tree value in pre-order placed in the list after the last value in the left sub-tree. In-ordered list have root placed after the left sub-tree in-ordered values and before the right sub-tree in-ordered values. With correct slicing on the left and right sub-trees in both ordered list, recursive calls can be made to build up the correct sub-trees and root that can be used to form their corresponding in-order, pre-order lists, and TreeList.

   Binary search tree have the characteristics of a binary tree with the condition that any value less than the root belongs to the left sub-tree, and any value greater than the root belong to the right sub-tree. In this tree, no two nodes have the same value. When searching for a value or inserting a new value, the value will be checked based whether the value is equal, smaller, or greater and go to the corresponding sub-tree branch or stop. Similar terminologies can be applied when deleting a root node value, with conditions made when both children exists for the tree. 

   To search or insert a specific item, binary search tree have similar run time when compared to a binary search algorithm. In the lecture, we discussed how run time on each individual computer is different depending on the processing speed, but it does not affect the numbers of steps it required to process. During the lecture we reviewed both selection sort and insertion sort to demonstrate the run time may depend on both the object analyzed and the algorithm itself.

   In this week’s lab, we worked on creating functions that calls helper function to perform certain tasks that the function itself may not handle. Over all, the code given takes more time to read in order to give a complete understanding on what the required function was supposed to perform than the actual coding. After the lab I realized, from time to time, repetitive codes can be replaced either using inheritance or calling on other functions. 

Thursday 6 March 2014

SLOG # 6

Week 8:
   This week, we continued our lectures on tree structures. In addition, we were introduced to how to design wrappers using helper functions. A wrapper function is a function that calls for a helper function to perform certain tasks required. With the help of a helper function, complexity of a function can be reduced in comparison to a function that does not use one. It is often possible that functions that do not perform recursion to call a helper function to perform recursion. From the lecture notes this week, wrapper functions are used for both linked list and binary tree structures for demonstrations. For instance, a helper function that returns the reverse of a linked list can be used in a wrapper function to reverse the linked list want.

   During this week’s lab, we continued working on Linked list based on the questions from the previous week. Overall, my partner and I managed to finish most of the questions with the use of recursion or loops structures. The objective of this lab is to help the students have a better understanding of the linked list tree structure, and how methods can be applied to the linked list object to perform various tasks. 

   Since linked list can references to another linked list, it is possible to create a linked list with infinite length by referencing to itself. The references to the linked lists also makes the linked list objects easily altered when adding or deleting linked list objects, or reordering the linked list objects. It is possible we will be seeing questions involving tree structures like linked list in the next midterm and the final exam. Looks like I will have to start catching up with the course materials if I ever want to do well in the next midterm and the final exam.